Request an offer

Fill out the form, and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Bucovina Construct House SRL

CIF: 42509485 | Nr. Reg. Com: J33/458/2020
Comuna Vama, Suceava county
0757 685 490
Request an offer Form

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By submitting the data in this form, I agree that Bucovina Construct House S.R.L., located in Vama, Suceava County, with tax code 42509485, is authorized to process my personal data provided in this form, such as name, surname, residence city and county, phone number, and email, for the following purposes: registering the intention to request a construction offer, contacting for confirmation and obtaining additional information. The consent regarding the processing of personal data, as well as the provision of the data mentioned in this form, is voluntary. This consent can be revoked at a later time, and the processed personal data can be deleted or modified through a request sent to the email address